Why I Started Blogging

We all have at least one reason why we started to do something. Whether that's blogging, youtube, going on a diet or cutting something out. We all have a reason.
I am going to tell you why I started blogging. I did a youtube video on why I started youtube. which you can find on my channel here. the point of why I stated youtube and blogging are basically the same. But there is more information to co-inside with them.
The first and one of the most important reasons I started all this is because of Zoella/ Zoe Sugg. I have watched her and read her blog since 2011. Which I find so crazy. I feel like some proud sister when she accomplishes things. I have basically grown up with her. Gone through GCSEs, the dreaded hormone changes, bullies in school everything. You name it and I have probably used Zoe's videos/blog as a distraction to other things that have gone on in my life. After she released her anxiety video I thought maybe I could do this maybe this might help me like it has Zoe. So I sort of set up a blog and youtube. I used to make videos with video star at first, but then soon people from my school caught on and well made me delete everything and go back to being someone who sits in their room all the time. Which did my anxiety and depression worse. It was still a dream of mine to have a youtube channel, a blog and a well thought out Instagram page. It was always in the back of my head when I would take pictures. I then decided in 2014 I would try it all again. It was the beginning of August 2014. I was doing all-nighters, because who doesn't do them in the summer. I was sat up watching youtube and Netflix and just thought I would start it all up again.I uploaded my first video on August 6th and my first blog post on December 4th of 2014. I am so glad i did that because i wouldn't be who I am today. The channel and blog I started up that night are the ones I still use today. I can say that Zoe is the main reason I started them up and that I am still doing it to this day.
The second reason because of anxiety. I needed a distraction from what was going on in my brain and in my life. I had heard that this was a good hobby to have to distract you. Having a blog means you don't have to show your face and it can be anonymous. My blog wasn't originally called what it is, it was called Pure Imagination. I was watching Willy Wonka when I made my blog so, that is what it got called. No one knew about it for almost a year, until I thought why should I hide who I want to be and what I want to do.
The third reason is to help improve my grammar, spelling and just overall English. I don't have a GCSE in Englis and to be honest, my spelling is rubbish. If it wasn't for auto-correct and Grammarly I wouldn't look as smart as I do. I am getting there with this one haha.
The fourth reason is to voice my opinions without having to post on facebook. I am an opinionated person and I like reviewing things. Most of the people I know hate how I have an opinion on everything. But there is a few people who are as opinionated as me and I love it. I love reading reviews and watching videos on things that people review.
Last but not least is just to have an excuse to buy things like makeup. Even though I don't really buy anything, I still like to use this as an excuse if I ever do buy something.
Why did you start blogging or youtube? let me know over on my social medias.
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