MY OPINIONS: Health and heather apple and cinnamon tea
Health & Heather. Apple and Cinnamon tea
I'm going to be starting off " my opinions" blog posts. It's basically just a review and my opinions one the product. I don't know how often I will be doing these but i hope it becomes a popular thing. I will be doing different things such as food, make-up. Anything. So if you have any suggestions please make sure to tweet me (here) or comment.
Health and heather tea is s type of detox tea. Seen I am on a "diet" sort of thing, i decided to give it a try. I decided to pick up the Apple and Cinnamon one (which you can pick up in your local holland & barrell or you can buy here). At £1.79 for 20 bags i feel is a great bargin considering on amazon they're nearly £5.

Here is the front (left) and back (right) of the box. the cover is not yet only simple but it catches your eye. The tea is good as a snack instead of food as i've found that out last week. So it's great if you're a snacker like me hah hah
Now, you would expect the tea to be red yeah? Cause of the apple yeah? If you didn't I did and when it came out more cinnamon colour i was kinda disappointed. But all-in-all it taste greeaattt. I can't really describee the taste. It doesn't taste anything like it says, to be honest. It taste and smalls mostly like the cinnamon. It's very over powering. I think it taste better not too hot as when it is hot i think that it has a slightly less sweeter taste to it. Now i don't know if that's because the tea hasn't brewed yet or because of the temperature of the water.
i hope you liked this first post in the 'MY OPINIONS' sort of theme if you want to say that i am doing haha. If you have any thing you want me to review i will try and do it.
DISCLAIMER: I was NOT paid to review this product, All opinions are my own,
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