Whats happening?

Hey. Katie here. Some might be wondering where I've been, most probably not. But I've been on and off youtube and blogging for the past few years now.  I go through stages where I love doing it and there are also times where I'm so unmotivated I just give up on it. BUT I've decided to make a come back. so that means a bit of a new look.

The past year or so I've realised blogging and vlogging is what I really want to do. For now anyway. After working in customer service jobs since I was 16, I come to the realisation that it really wasn't for me.

I'm not the best of writers. Not much of this makes sense, but I suppose it'll all get better in time. As everyone does in a job or a hobby, they get better over time. I just need to keep telling my self that. As does everyone reading this. (look at me trying to be all inspirational)

I haven't really decided on an upload schedule for my blog yet. But for my Youtube, I've decided I'm gonna try and make a come back in October. every Tuesday and Thursday. Just some time in the day I can get it uploaded. It's not really going to be themed on either, I'm just gonna do what I wanna do. so I could be doing tags from back in 2011, you never know. I want to use my blog as a way to write - well type - what I'm thinking, use it as sort of a journal sometimes. so maybe that will be a weekly or fortnightly post.

 I'm happy to be back on this. I did try to set up a WordPress but just couldn't get used to it so I just jazzed up my OG  blog and continued with this one.

Hope some of you are happy that I'm back!!



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