What I'd tell 15 year old me

I left school at the age of 15. With no GCSEs, no confidence, no eyebrows and no clue about life. Heres some things that I would like to tell my younger self. and maybe my future children when they're 15.
-Pay more attention when you're in class.
I was hardly ever in school. I hated school and didn't want to be there ever. But even when I was there i had no motivation to pay attention to anything that was happening. Now I realize that was stupid, but when I was 15 my mental health was beginning to worsen and no one really understood what it was 5 years ago. Neither did I. I just thought I was being stupid. So, I would definitely tell my self that even when I am in class, to pay more attention.
-Tell people how you feel
I didn't tell anyone how I felt about school, my friends, my self or anything. I kept my self to my self and that definitely made everything worse for me. I wouldn't tell people who I was friends with in school what i was truly going through. I would be poorly a lot also. Now I think back to that time, it was like my brain was telling my body to be sick so I didn't have to go to school and see anyone.
-Teachers won't understand you if you don't tell them what's wrong
I didn't tell the teachers ANYTHING. I just never went in or never done work. Now, I feel like if I told them what was going on, they might have a bit of a more understanding of why I had the attitude like I did.
-Don't be so two-faced
As weird as this might sound. I was quote two-faced at 15. Probably as much as everyone else of that age. You be two-faced just to have friends and then once you leave school you lose A LOT of friends. I wish I got rid of the people who didn't really care about me back then so I didn't have to waste so much time. Having a handful of friends is better than a big group.
-Get your eyebrows done professionally
A random one. But I didn't touch my brows till I was 14 almost 15 and I wish I left them. Even though they grow easy. I still wish I got them shaped properly.
-Don't let people bully you from ruining what you love.
Back when I was 15 I did youtube. I loved it. But then people in my school found out about it and started to talk about me to everyone. Which again resulted in me staying off school, which the teachers had no clue about why I was off, and I wish I spoke up about it more.
What would you tell your younger self?
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